Sunday, April 25, 2010

Electrifying 11th District Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: POST YOUR STORIES, POETRY, PRAYERS & TESTIMONIES

Electrifying 11th District Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church: POST YOUR STORIES, POETRY, PRAYERS & TESTIMONIES


According to Smithsonian Reports and other sites which report on seismic activity, the world is in an active phase. Recently there has been significant seismic activity around the world: Haiti, Chile, China, Iceland, Hawaii. There are also reports of ongoing activity in South-West Pacific, Russia, and the Caribbean.

Now I must admit that reading the seismic reports can be interesting if you are into that stuff. They fill you in on things like tectonic plates, semiconductors, fault lines, etc. You can find out how and when the earth dances, doing the rock and shake. Even if you do not want to get into the technical stuff, you can still learn the signs to look for when an earthquake, earthshake, tornado etc is imminent, and what you can do to save yourself and your family. Great stuff.

However there is another report to check,the Bible.
Depending on your version, there are 17 to 24 references to earthquakes in the Bible.
A brief look at these make for a very interesting reflection.

In one instance the earthquake is related to God's revelation of Himself to a prophet (see 1 Kings 19). This is truly fantastic. God, in order to give insight about His nature and character, created an earthuake, but God was not in the earthquake. Think about that!

In other refernces earthquakes are related to punishment of a people (see Isaiah 29). Of course that does not happen today. We also have earthquakes associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, freeing of saints (Acts), and the work of the Lamb in the consumation of the age (Revelations).

Here is the point for reflection
Could there be a link between the seismic reports and the Scriptural reports?
When we hear about earthquakes, should we just be concern about the physical aspects of the events, or should we also be wrestling with the spiritual significance?

God was not in the earthquake when He gave the prophet insight about Himself. Is God in this phase of seismic activity? Can God be giving us insight and revelation in the current series of earthquakes and tornadoes?